The Problem with Heavy Medications, and blog posting, podcasting, writing, and coding during the day to pass the time.

So I’m Schizoaffective Bipolar Subtype. S.A.D.B.S. for short, haha. I also happen to have 98% ADHD Primarily Inattentive, and Muscular Dystrophy/Cerebral Palsy. We’re at a crossroads with the last two because I was diagnosed at birth with cerebral palsy and a decade ago it changed to muscular dystrophy. I’ve had a psychotic break and recovered as chronicled in Divergent Mind which is available on amazon. It starts ten days before my first psychotic diagnosis and heads off from there. At the same time I was writing that I was also writing the first Animal Quest book entitled The Travelers. You can buy both on, or listen to them on the podcast at depending on your learning style. Those are not what I’m discussing today though.

I woke up just before 5 a.m. today feeling that I would get things done, then I took my morning meds and it’s now 7:30 p.m. and there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it. I just zonk out and wake up when they’re ready to let me. It’s extremely frustrating keeping a daily task set ready when I have no control over my sleep schedule. My night meds I get, they give me roughly four hours of sleep before I snap back awake on a ‘normal’ night.

You might say, well you can change your meds. I could, but after over half a decade of trying new meds and seeing how poorly I reacted to them on the whole it seems that this concoction of about 17 pills per day is what works ‘the best’ for me. So I just wanted to let you know that if I’m missing a daily post, or podcast, or entry in my books–it’s not because I’m lazy, it’s because I’m in a drug induced sleep. I don’t really dream any more because I’m also on ptsd meds. Anyway, back to the fun!

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