A Frustrating Day.

So I was given a Xebec first Generation Tri-Screen. Lovely folks, and it works like a dream.

At first I tried using one screen for my Linux Setup and the other for the windows machine. It just forced continual reboots on the Linux system, to the point of corrupting the install and now I get to spend tomorrow rebuilding it, and likely changing the container type to a Kubernetes k-3 instead of openMPI and things will go off without a hitch and everything will be aces.

The ipad connects to my podcasting interface.

The little glowing guy on the right would get to the GUI and hang immediately. I couldn’t figure out why in any sense it would do such a thing. Thankfully that older television works as a surrogate monitor for the build so I can flash and rebuild tomorrow and use the backup drive to reinstate what I’ve not got to install. But somethings are still going to worry me until they’re back in place, as they would most people.

So not to put a damper on my night I plugged both screens into the windows laptop as warranted and they were instantly recognized and work lovely.

And here’s some basic if statements I’ve learned.


if statements.
thanks to xebec for the tri-screen. It works wonderfully.
so today I’ll be going through chapter five a bit of the python crash course. It covers if statements.

cars = [‘audi’, ‘bmw’, ‘subaru’, ‘toyota’]
for car in cars:
if car == ‘bmw’:

conditional tests.
either true or false.
>>> car = ‘bmw’
>>> car == ‘bmw’
>>> car = ‘audi’
>>> car == ‘bmw’
= makes a statement, == asks a question.
ignoring case when checking for equality.
>>> = ‘audi’
>>> == ‘Audi’
If wanting to check variable without case restrictions use .lower().
>>> car = ‘Audi’
>>> car.lower() == ‘audi’
>>> car

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